28 Nov 2016

KeelWit’s partners awarded “Entrepreneurs of the year” by Expansión, leading financial journal in Spain

KeelWit Technology has been awarded with this important prize within the “SME 2017” awards that the financial journal gives every year together with IFEMA (Madrid’s Convention Center). The jury has praised the choice taken by its partners to abandon their successful professional careers in order to build an engineering company devoted to the development of hi-tech projects using Spanish technology. Having opened its activities to the development of complex Computational Fluid Dynamics’ projects, to the development of electric vehicles and to the design, engineering and construction of Indoor Skydiving Windtunnels, KeelWit has become a relevant actor in all these fields in only a few years. The award ceremony shall take place at IFEMA on the 16th of December, and shall be presided by Mrs. Cristina Cifuentes, president of Madrid’s regional...
11 Nov 2016

José María Cancer & Isaac Prada lecture on Light Electric Vehicles for INSIA’s Master on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

José María Cancer & Isaac Prada lectured on Light Electric Vehicles as a part of the INSIA Electric & Hybrid Vehicles Master course. The session is focused on the regulations governing the EPAC (Electrically Power-Assisted Cycles) industry, the design and manufacturing of new models, energy sizing and component technology. Special focus was made on the software tools developed by KeelWit for the sizing and selection of the best energy source for every need that have been used in the engineering and construction of both electric bicycles and tricycles by the company. The success of the previous edition of this program pushed INSIA to call for this third edition before the end of 2016, with over 20 people joining this new...
16 Mar 2016

Media event in our Skydiving Wind Tunnel Madrid Fly

Last March 16 a big media event was held at Madrid Fly, the Vertical Wind Tunnel for Skydiving designed, engineered, manufactured and built by KeelWit Technology. All media emphasized its spectacular design and enhanced performance and the singularity of using 100% Spanish technology.     A video has been made, summarizing the event This is what the different media have said about KeelWit’s tunnel: ABC: http://www.abc.es/economia/20150729/abci-tunel-viento-madrid-201507281638.html http://agencias.abc.es/agencias/noticia.asp?noticia=2152016 5 Días: http://cincodias.com/cincodias/2016/03/17/sentidos/1458212754_406453.html EL PAÍS: http://verne.elpais.com/verne/2016/03/16/articulo/1458137098_931199.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CM EUROPA PRESS: http://www.europapress.es/chance/tendencias/noticia-haz-sueno-volar-realidad-gracias-madrid-fly-madrid-cielo-20160318190300.html EL CONFIDENCIAL: http://www.elconfidencial.com/deportes/otros-deportes/2016-02-29/volar-indoor-madrid-fly-paracaidismo_1154772/ EXPANSIÓN: http://www.expansion.com/tecnologia/2015/08/06/55c3bcf222601d6c428b45ac.html TELEMADRID INFORMATIVOS: http://www.telemadrid.es/programas/volar-en-un-tunel-de-viento#.VupfBQyZkz0.whatsapp TVE1 INFORMATIVOS: minute 44:06 http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/telediario/telediario-21-horas-16-03-16/3526258/ LA SEXTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavG9kOFYm4&feature=youtu.be ESPAÑA DIRECTO (TVE1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLcgjC9zb70&feature=youtu.be#t=11.16 ONDA CERO: minute 0:50 http://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/comunidad-madrid/madrid/audios-podcast/aqui-en-la-onda-madrid/aqui-en-la-onda-madrid_2016031656e9a5236584a847c6ea55ff.html  REVISTA AR http://www.ar-revista.com/estilo-de-vida/news/g3055/planes-con-ninos/? http://www.ar-revista.com/estilo-de-vida/news/g3055/planes-con-ninos/?slide=1 Other media: http://www.lasrozasaumentada.com/blog/las-rozas-acogera-el-tunel-de-viento-mas-grande-de-europa/ http://www.miradaoeste.com/el-tunel-del-viento-abrira-sus-puertas-en-las-rozas-en-junio-de-2015-3275 http://www.madridesnoticia.es/municipios/las_rozas/simulador_caida_libre_mas_grande_europa_rozas http://www.efeemprende.com/noticia/tunel-viento-moderno-innovador-mundo-madrid-diciembre/ http://www.innovaticias.com/ver-video/madrid-fly-el-tunel-de-viento-mas-innovador-del-mundo_362 http://revista.monedaunica.net/nuevas-tecnogias/7295-madrid-acogera-el-tunel-de-viento-mas-moderno-e-innovador-del-mundo.html http://www.cronicanorte.es/el-simulador-de-caida-libre-mas-grande-de-europa-estara-en-madrid/88401 http://construirunmundonuevo.com/soluciones-lafarhe/madrid-fly-inside-un-proyecto-de-altos-vuelos/...
16 Jan 2016

José María Cancer & Isaac Prada lecture on Light Electric Vehicles for INSIA’s Master on Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

José María Cancer & Isaac Prada lectured on Light Electric Vehicles as a part of the INSIA Electric & Hybrid Vehicles Master course. The session is focused on the regulations governing the EPAC (Electrically Power-Assisted Cycles) industry, the design and manufacturing of new models, energy sizing and component technology. During the whole session they both showed KeelWit’s models designed and built for e-bike and e-trike manufacturers. After the class conclusion, a long Q&A session was held, where the 31 attendants asked for additional information whilst getting familiar with the different e-bike components handed by KeelWit. The success of the second edition of this program might force INSIA to call for a third edition before summer 2016, as a decen of people were held in a waiting list due to capacity restrictions for January’s...
2 Oct 2015

The SPTO (OEPM) finally grants KeelWit Technology with the Utility Model protection for a 10 year period for its self-propelled trash trolley

SPTO is the public body responsible for the registration and granting of the different types of Industrial Property in Spain. Through this protection, the device protected by this Utility Model is proven to be characterized by its “utility” and “practicality”. Using the know-how obtained in the design and development of electric bicycles and tricycles, KeelWit has used this same technology to develop and patent this motorized version for the long time existing design of man propelled trash trolleys. This new version introduces the following advantages compared to the current model: Helps street cleaner to move uphill Helps street cleaner when transporting heavy loads of leaves, trash, etc. in the trolley Allows people without a robust build to perform this job effortlessly Improves productivity of the public service provided The electric motoring can be both installed in existing trolleys as well as new builds. Intellectual property protection is granted for 10 years....
17 Apr 2015

KeelWit requests intellectual property rights over its design of an electro propelled trash trolley for street maintenance

KeelWit has upgraded, through an electric motor, the traditional design of the trash trolley in order to allow it to climb steep ramps, especially when carrying heavy load. The chariot design had been kept almost frozen during decades, making its use a heavy duty especially for weak people when trying to climb steep ramps while carrying heavy loads as those collected during trimming season and autumn or after public events taking place in the streets. This design helps universal access to its use and job position, and reduces the physical effort required to perform its duty, which are both targets of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the companies in trash collecting. The system designed by KeelWit allows the chariot to climb ramps over 14% slope carrying 70 kg load within a 30 km range. It can be adapted on existing chariots as well as it can be integrated in the new unit production process...
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