Isaac Prada and José María Cancer receive their titles as registered professional engineers during the welcome ceremony of the 2014 graduates of ICAI engineering school

Isaac Prada and José María Cancer receive their titles as registered professional engineers during the welcome ceremony of the 2014 graduates of ICAI engineering school

The president of the ICAI Engineering Association gave Isaac Prada and José María Cancer their diplomas, acknowledging their titles of Registered Professional Engineers granted by the Spanish Association of Professional Engineers (AIPE).

Professional organizations have developed model IPr® Certification in order to validate the skills of individuals in terms of their knowledge, experience and attitude regarding to the professional development of the engineer.

The IPr® Standard complies with the ISO 17.024 personal qualification standard, enabling international recognition via an agreed evaluation system.

KeelWit Technology offers now, through the title received by both partners, representing an impartial and objective recognition of the capacity and professional evolution of the team in the engineering world, an added value in international project tenders. This qualification is a qualifying issue when insurance companies need to calculate the risk premium linked to a certain project.

After the act, they both addressed a few words to the over 200 attendants, stressing the added value of the IPr® certification within the engineering world.

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