11 Mar 2016

Master Class of JM Cancer in the XXXVI Graduation of ISEAD Alumni

Last March 11, and in the Conference Hall of Instituto Cervantes in Madrid, took place the XXXVI Graduation of ISEAD Alumni. The ISEAD is an internationally renowned Institution, famous for the contents of its Educational Programs as well as the ethics of the think-tank its Alumni  have built throughout these years. This has allowed it to have international agreements with prestigious universities and institutons such as Centro Universitario Villanueva, the US-EAD Business School (Miami), the Escuela de Emprendimiento Social y Económico of Colombia University and the El Salvador University.   The students received their Master Graduation diploma after the Master Class held by JM Cancer,  where he lectured on “The challenges of innovation and entrepreneurship“....
20 Nov 2015

José María Cancer & Isaac Prada lectured in the 7th ICAI Alumni Congress

José María Cancer was selected as a lecturer for the round table on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” and Isaac Prada for the round table on “Sustainability and Environmental Challenges” both taken place during the 7th ICAI Alumni Congress that took place in Madrid in November 2015. With over 500 participants, this congress was held as a relevant occasion to allow this important think-tank to discuss its core values and role in nowadays’ society as a source of  “Value and skills open to society”. The whole content of the lectures shall be included in the Congress book that will resume all participations taken place during the three days of the congress. Mesa Redonda Innovación y Emprendimiento Mesa redonda Sostenibilidad Acto de clausura del congreso Ponencia Sostenibilidad Ponencias...
14 Oct 2013

KeelWit takes part in inicia programme organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation

The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in partnership with the Madrid Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Chamber of Commerce organized the Inicia Programme, with the aim of introducing young people to the world of business and entrepreneurs. Several thousands of students in Madrid have participated in previous editions, with some of them already considering  starting a career as entrepreneurs and others changing their image of business people and their importance in our society.. For the third consecutive year, Isaac Prada and José María Cancer were chosen to address a number of sessions with students from 16 to 18 years of age, during which entrepreneurship is shown as a potential alternative career once they finish their studies. Sessions follow a structured yet highly interactive methodology, at which attendants can ask questions and express their opinions, whilst understanding the reasons why both founders decided to start KeelWit Technology and the main challenges they faced. For further information, see:...
2 Oct 2013

Intereconomía Radio interviews Isaac Prada as a board member of the Young Entrepreneurs association

The Law commonly known as the “Entrepreneurs Act” was recently passed, amongst a great deal of expectation. Ángel Monroy and Isaac Prada, as Chairman and Board Member of the Madrid Young Entrepreneurs Association (AJE) were interviewed by Intereconomía, a leading financial radio station, to put forth entrepreneurs’ and the SME point of view of its content and implications. They both emphasized the need to implement all the necessary measures to facilitate the flow of credit from Banks to companies. All initiatives in that direction will be well received as a necessary support for the survival of small companies....
19 Sep 2013

Isaac Prada Interviewed on Tv Program “Aquí Hay Trabajo” Shown By Tve2

“Aquí hay trabajo” interviewed Isaac Prada on a program devoted to young entrepreneurs under the age of 30. The program analyses the labour market in Spain, the industries that are creating new jobs and the professions with the greatest potential in our country. The aim is to explain the different ways people less than 30 face the challenge of being the CEO of their own company through interviews with 4 entrepreneurs. The ideas and comments of the CEOs interviewed are intended to help other young people make the move to become entrepreneurs themselves. The interview was filmed at KeelWit’s facilities, allowing viewers to watch internal meetings, tests in the wind tunnel and other moments of everyday life at the company. To watch the interview, click on the following link:http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/aqui-hay-trabajo/aqui-hay-trabajo-19-09-13/2022800/ The interview starts at minute 5’...
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