19 Dec 2014
18 Jul 2014
Patent for hardware devices protecting computers against denial of service attacks presented in EU, USA and India
KeelWit Laiseca Internet Security Solutions, company incorporated by KeelWit Technology and Laiseca Technologies, has presented in target markets as EU, USA and India a patent application in order to protect its abovementioned device. After a new successful investment round that has allowed the third evolution of the device, all the development team efforts are focused in writing and presenting a new patent, including the new features obtained, that shall be implemented in the next units to be produced. The interest shown by potential investors allows both partners to be confident in a shortened time-to-market schedule compared with their prior...25 Feb 2014
KeelWit displays its server protection device against cyberterrorist attacks at the security technology transfer meetings held during the sicur trade fair
In 2013, KeelWit Technology, in conjunction with Laiseca Technologies, incorporated KLISS (KeelWit Laiseca Internet Security Solutions S.L.) with the aim of developing, producing and selling the hardware device it invented for M2M communications and servers’ protection. The device was developed under the PCT patent application submitted by I. Prada, J.M. Cancer, J. Reyes and S. Laiseca and constitutes a robust, modular, transparent and affordable protection solution, using hardware connected to the Internet, without latency increase. During the two days of meetings, KLISS met with a number of companies, institutions and research centers expressing interest in the project. The device is currently in its third version of development and financial and industrial partners are being sought to enable mass production and the obtaining of the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation and FIPS certificates, which are required to market it successfully. The main purpose of the meetings organized by the Madri+d Foundation was to facilitate communications and contact between European companies, research centers and universities – potential technological partners in the field of Security Technology – with the aim of promoting cooperation and business opportunities through previously scheduled interviews. http://www.madrimasd.org/informacionidi/agenda/foros-mimasd/2014/programa/seguridad/default.asp...16 Dec 2013
KeelWit performs resistence tests on the materials of one of its R+D projects at CIEMAT
KeelWit has performed a breakage resistance feature test on a guard-rail prototype it has developed as part of its own R+D work at the Energy, Environmental and Technological Research Centre – CIEMAT. CIEMAT’s mission is to contribute to the sustainable development of Spain and its quality of life by promoting and implementing scientific knowledge and technology and its objective is to perform the role of a center of excellence in the scientific and technical areas in which it is involved. Working under this strategic framework with Dr. Marta Serrano from the Structural Materials Division, tests were performed at one of its laboratories in conjunction with KeelWit Technology to develop its device oriented towards improving road safety. For more information, visit:...15 Mar 2013
KeelWit finished the first phase of a project in sport equipment recycling
World Sport Recycling designs, develops and sets up procedures for improved recycling of the equipment used in different sports. Its mission is to create environmentally friendly practices among all actors in sports world: clubs, training centers, sports brands, sport equipment manufacturers and retailers. WSR hired KeelWit Technology to design a method to extend the use of tennis or padel balls through a recycling process, once they have lost the necessary internal pressure. WSR, through its brand Balooia, shall start the production of repressuring devices that shall recover the rebouncing properties needed for correct playing conditions once the balls have lost their brand-new properties. KeelWit has performed different tests with bespoke devices created for this project, searching for the most sensitive parameters to play with, in order to achieve such goal. The final result of the project has been the design and manufacturing of several prototypes that can later go into serial...30 Sep 2011