30 Nov 2017
by Keelwit Technology | 30 Nov 2017 | Events, Conferences & Awards
KeelWit attended the seminar on “Environmental Tests in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles. State of the Art & future trends” held at INSIA – the University Institute of Automobile Research. During the seminar, experts in the field discussed about the present and immediate future of: Tests on Cells, Modules and Li-Ion Batteries: EUCAR Recommendations Vibration tests: Sine, Shock, Random, Sine on Random, etc. ATEX Tests: Precautions when using of potentially flammable liquids. Simulation tests of batteries or charging systems / components / battery recharge, power electronics. KeelWit took the opportunity to exchange know-how with other professionals in the industry, being the agent of Servotest Systems for Spain and Portugal, and their vibration test...
11 Nov 2016
by Keelwit Technology | 11 Nov 2016 | Events, Conferences & Awards, Light Electric Vehicles
José María Cancer & Isaac Prada lectured on Light Electric Vehicles as a part of the INSIA Electric & Hybrid Vehicles Master course. The session is focused on the regulations governing the EPAC (Electrically Power-Assisted Cycles) industry, the design and manufacturing of new models, energy sizing and component technology. Special focus was made on the software tools developed by KeelWit for the sizing and selection of the best energy source for every need that have been used in the engineering and construction of both electric bicycles and tricycles by the company. The success of the previous edition of this program pushed INSIA to call for this third edition before the end of 2016, with over 20 people joining this new...
18 Nov 2014
by keelwit | 18 Nov 2014 | Events, Conferences & Awards
KeelWit attended this conference of the “Automotive Engineering Master” also linked to the “Electric & Hybrid Vehicles Course” where both Isaac Prada and José María Cancer lecture. IVECO, BOSCH and PSA lectured on the key elements that allow their manufacturing sites in Madrid to be among the most productive factories in their groups, despite the global trend of industry migration towards Asia. All lecturers highlighted the effort of competitiveness progresses made by these sites through energy efficiency improvements. The vision of the top managers of these companies reinforces KeelWit’s own vision and its choice of Energy Efficiency as one of its main work...