2 Jun 2017

Isaac Prada lecturer at the Spanish Engineering Institute with the speech “The enterprising engineer. From Formula 1 to the new technologies”.

Last 1st of July Isaac Prada participated in a round table at the Spanish Engineering Institute, wherein he exposed the reasons which drove him to leave his career in sectors with a strong technological component such as Formula 1 to create his own engineering company. Throughout his presentation, he made a reflection about the different types of innovation, the role of engineering companies and the synergies in collaborations between small and big companies, bringing together the agility and adaptability of the former with the resources of the latter. He also exposed how the methodologies of team management used in Formula 1 are applicable in all types of companies and sectors, as KeelWit teaches in its training program “Formula One Managers”. Rodrigo del Prado (co-founder of BQ, the Spanish manufacturer of mobile phones), with his speech “Technology that helps to change the world”, and Javier Díez Tejeiro, co-founder of General de Polímeros SL (GENEPOL), with his speech “The plastic: from waste to raw material”, also participated in the round table....
27 Mar 2017

KeelWit interviewed in Telemadrid TV station and Motor 16 weekly magazine

Telemadrid TV station broadcasted from Madrid Fly’s facilities an interview showing KeelWit’s laboratory for aerodynamic testing, where its engineers test the new concepts and features to be installed in the next generations of Vertical Wind Tunnels they are designing.                      In the TV journal Telenoticias that was emitted later that same day they also displayed a great interest in one of KeelWit’s IP protected designs: a standard trash trolley conversion allowing it to be electrically self-propelled, helping trash collectors do their job in an easy and effortless way when faced to ramps and transporting heavy loads. Motor 16 car magazine chose to talk about how both founders chose to quit their rich automotive career to build an engineering company where they have introduced many of the lessons learnt in those years, especially from Isaac’s experience in Formula 1....
24 Mar 2017

New sessions of Formula One Managers development program

KeelWit has organized several editions of its FOM program for managers belonging to companies of different sizes working in different industries. Throughout a combination of training lessons, working sessions and dynamic workshops, attendees have learnt more on how to manage stress and in contents such as Problem Solving, Team Building or Innovation, using some of the techniques Formula One Team Principals use with their teams, making this sport the paradigm of competitiveness, innovation and performance in all fields.   ...
13 Feb 2017

F1 pilot Carlos Sainz Jr and Isaac Prada discuss about F1 aerodynamics in Onda Cero’s radio station

Last February 13th, Onda Cero broadcasted from Madrid Fly a life interview with both F1 experts in its radio program El Transistor. Under Jose Ramón De la Morena’s guidance, Carlos Sainz Jr and Isaac Prada talked about Formula 1 aerodynamics from both the pilot and the engineer perspectives. El Transistor is a sports radio program daily followed by over 350,000...
23 Sep 2016

“Team Spirit in Formula 1” and “Managing your team under stress and in uncertain environments as Formula 1 Team principals do ”, two new trainings developed for Banco Santander and Repsol

Based on the contents of the Formula One Managers training, KeelWit has developed and taught a special course on how “Team Spirit” is developed in Formula One Teams to 34 managers of Banco Santander. The course included some exercises in the flying chamber of Madrid Fly, where team skills were tested and trained to achieve better results through planification and practice.        17 managers from REPSOL also received in the Technological Centre of the company a special training on how to manage stress and how to turn it in a positive condition for working under extraordinary pressure conditions, like Formula One teams and drivers do. The second part of this course was devoted to the quantification and limitation of uncertainty and how there are powerful tools, like clustering, to study in advance only the most relevant scenarios that can happen amidst the plethora of them that might arise.  ...
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