30 Mar 2017

Isaac Prada lecturer in ICEMD – Instituto de Marketing Digital of ESIC

Isaac Prada lectured in “Robots versus the Augmented Worker” during the 1st Augmented Human Conference that took place in ICEMD, sponsored by Zerintia. Isaac explained how many types of routinary jobs could be replaced by machines in the future and predicted how accounting, logistics planning and other similar jobs could disappear in the future as they are currently performed. As a matter of fact, all type of jobs will be impacted, as they will require new skills and different training to be adapted to the unstoppable introduction of technology in all...
26 Jan 2017

KeelWit organizes January’s monthly meeting of Observatorio de la Industria 4.0

The Observatorio de la Industria 4.0 is a Think-Tank integrated by professionals from different relevant companies linked to the Industry 4.0. The aim of  this Think-Tank is to build a permanent background where companies involved in this industry development can debate, be trained, display and research new trends and technologies that help factories and logistics improve their performance through automatization and sensoring. Isaac Prada briefly lectured about KeelWit’s experience in sensoring production processes and later introducing optimization algorithms to obtain relevant improvements in their performance. The meeting was held at the auditorium in Madrid Fly, where managers attending the meeting could later have a closer look at the sensoring and SCADA developed by KeelWit to control fans’ speed, air flow and air temperature in the ducts to offer fun-flyers and pro-flyers the utmost free-flying...
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