12 Dec 2016

Full page interview in Expansión financial journal

Having been awarded as “Best entrepreneurs of the year” in the contest promoted by this daily financial magazine and IFEMA, KeelWit gets a full page interview with both partners where they are asked about the origin of the company, the reasons why they quit their successful carrers to build an engineering company focused in energy efficiency, CFD analyses and aerodynamics, now applied to the engineering of Indoor Skydiving...
28 Nov 2016

KeelWit’s partners awarded “Entrepreneurs of the year” by Expansión, leading financial journal in Spain

KeelWit Technology has been awarded with this important prize within the “SME 2017” awards that the financial journal gives every year together with IFEMA (Madrid’s Convention Center). The jury has praised the choice taken by its partners to abandon their successful professional careers in order to build an engineering company devoted to the development of hi-tech projects using Spanish technology. Having opened its activities to the development of complex Computational Fluid Dynamics’ projects, to the development of electric vehicles and to the design, engineering and construction of Indoor Skydiving Windtunnels, KeelWit has become a relevant actor in all these fields in only a few years. The award ceremony shall take place at IFEMA on the 16th of December, and shall be presided by Mrs. Cristina Cifuentes, president of Madrid’s regional...
13 Jun 2016

New Indoor Skydiving Tunnel to be built in Krakow (Poland)

Following the success of Madrid Fly’s tunnel, engineered by KeelWit for EYDISA Wind Tunnels, different groups of investors in this business have approached the facilities and started conversations to purchase an Indoor Skydiving Tunnel for other cities around the world. The first tunnel turnkey project already signed is the Indoor Skydiving Tunnel to be built by EYDISA in Krakow (Poland) for INDOOR SKYDIVING Sp. z o.o., This facility is going to become a reference in Skydiving tunnels in Europe and a hot spot in Krakow as the place chosen to build it is close to a forest and a lake acting as a tourist destination for people all around Poland. Civil works shall start soon and the opening of the facility is forecasted for 2017.   Signature of the tunnel...
16 Mar 2016

Media event in our Skydiving Wind Tunnel Madrid Fly

Last March 16 a big media event was held at Madrid Fly, the Vertical Wind Tunnel for Skydiving designed, engineered, manufactured and built by KeelWit Technology. All media emphasized its spectacular design and enhanced performance and the singularity of using 100% Spanish technology.     A video has been made, summarizing the event This is what the different media have said about KeelWit’s tunnel: ABC: http://www.abc.es/economia/20150729/abci-tunel-viento-madrid-201507281638.html http://agencias.abc.es/agencias/noticia.asp?noticia=2152016 5 Días: http://cincodias.com/cincodias/2016/03/17/sentidos/1458212754_406453.html EL PAÍS: http://verne.elpais.com/verne/2016/03/16/articulo/1458137098_931199.html?id_externo_rsoc=TW_CM EUROPA PRESS: http://www.europapress.es/chance/tendencias/noticia-haz-sueno-volar-realidad-gracias-madrid-fly-madrid-cielo-20160318190300.html EL CONFIDENCIAL: http://www.elconfidencial.com/deportes/otros-deportes/2016-02-29/volar-indoor-madrid-fly-paracaidismo_1154772/ EXPANSIÓN: http://www.expansion.com/tecnologia/2015/08/06/55c3bcf222601d6c428b45ac.html TELEMADRID INFORMATIVOS: http://www.telemadrid.es/programas/volar-en-un-tunel-de-viento#.VupfBQyZkz0.whatsapp TVE1 INFORMATIVOS: minute 44:06 http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/videos/telediario/telediario-21-horas-16-03-16/3526258/ LA SEXTA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavG9kOFYm4&feature=youtu.be ESPAÑA DIRECTO (TVE1): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLcgjC9zb70&feature=youtu.be#t=11.16 ONDA CERO: minute 0:50 http://www.ondacero.es/emisoras/comunidad-madrid/madrid/audios-podcast/aqui-en-la-onda-madrid/aqui-en-la-onda-madrid_2016031656e9a5236584a847c6ea55ff.html  REVISTA AR http://www.ar-revista.com/estilo-de-vida/news/g3055/planes-con-ninos/? http://www.ar-revista.com/estilo-de-vida/news/g3055/planes-con-ninos/?slide=1 Other media: http://www.lasrozasaumentada.com/blog/las-rozas-acogera-el-tunel-de-viento-mas-grande-de-europa/ http://www.miradaoeste.com/el-tunel-del-viento-abrira-sus-puertas-en-las-rozas-en-junio-de-2015-3275 http://www.madridesnoticia.es/municipios/las_rozas/simulador_caida_libre_mas_grande_europa_rozas http://www.efeemprende.com/noticia/tunel-viento-moderno-innovador-mundo-madrid-diciembre/ http://www.innovaticias.com/ver-video/madrid-fly-el-tunel-de-viento-mas-innovador-del-mundo_362 http://revista.monedaunica.net/nuevas-tecnogias/7295-madrid-acogera-el-tunel-de-viento-mas-moderno-e-innovador-del-mundo.html http://www.cronicanorte.es/el-simulador-de-caida-libre-mas-grande-de-europa-estara-en-madrid/88401 http://construirunmundonuevo.com/soluciones-lafarhe/madrid-fly-inside-un-proyecto-de-altos-vuelos/...
6 Nov 2015

Madrid Fly’s wind tunnel starts with its testing period

The Vertical Wind Tunnel designed and built by KeelWit Technology for its use as an Indoor Skydiving facility has started its fine tuning and testing period prior to its public opening before the end of this year. This facility belongs to Madrid Fly, company in which KeelWit holds a relevant stake. After several years of studies and 12 months of civil work, KeelWit has been able to turn on the sophisticated machinery behind this iconic engineering project developed by a group of Spanish investors only using Spanish Technology. The whole project has meant an investment of more than 6 million euros, where R&D has played a relevant role. With its over 1600 m3/sec of air moving at a speed of 300 km/h, World Championships of this vibrant sport shall be held in its location of Las Rozas de Madrid. Click here to watch the...
10 Apr 2015

Fans designed for Madrid Fly’s vertical wind tunnel succesfully tested

On April 10th, the first of the 4 fans for skydiving purposes jointly designed by KeelWit and Zitron was tested in the biggest test bench for axial fans in the world. With a size over 4m diameter and a weight exceeding 10 tons each, they shall deliver the needed power to propel skydivers at a speed of 300 km/h. Energy efficiency, acceleration speed and airflow quality have been some of the development guidelines followed by both engineering teams. These fans shall be installed in a very short time in Madrid Fly’s wind tunnel, where the construction of the building that shall host all the technical equipment and devices designed by KeelWit Technology, has just...
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