17 Jun 2013

KeelWit in the Siemens energy efficiency truck roadshow

Around 30% of the total worldwide energy consumption is linked to industry. Fuel shortage, increasing energy costs and increasingly restrictive regulations on emissions are enhancing the need for more efficient energy use. KeelWit Technology works with customers from different sectors of industry in projects focused on decreasing energy consumption and thus creating competitive advantages. Intelligent re-engineering of many industry processes can lead to a reduction of up to 40% in energy costs. The Siemens roadshow visited Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid and Bilbao, displaying its latest products and technologies in energy efficiency improvement, productivity gains and cost cutting in its Energy Efficiency Truck. Siemens’ trained engineers were on hand to provide advice on the use of the tools. The training session and Q&A time allowed KeelWit’s engineers to update their knowledge on the latest trends in the field offered by...
1 Jun 2013

KeelWit opens a new website devoted to energy efficiency certification in buildings

Since last June 1st, every owner wishing to rent or sell a flat, house, building or office is obliged to display the energy efficiency level of the building, rated through a certificate. The levels are displayed with a letter and color similar to the rating given to house appliances. KeelWit prepared this moment since 2012 through the training of its team, building a new devoted website (www.necesitouncertificadoenergetico.com) and the signature of several Memorandums of Understanding with real-state agencies, while developing new tools to calculate the savings linked to any improvement suggested by the engineering team. The business development of this area seeks to profit from the know-how of the team in energy efficiency management in industrial processes and plants through the deployment of KEEMO (KeelWit Energy Efficiency Method of Optimization). To learn more about this law:...
10 Jan 2013

Energy efficiency project for a chemical plant

KeelWit has started a new project for the improvement of energy efficiency in the production process of a chemical plant, world leader in its industry. The study seeks the thermal flow optimization of several lines within the process, allowing the improvement of the energy efficiency of the whole process and reducing the energy required per ton produced. Some of the tasks included are finding the hottest flows in the process that can interchange their heat with colder flows, minimizing the energy required to heat the latter through Heat Recovery Systems....
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