12 Dec 2017
7 Feb 2017
Mercedes-Benz Start-up adVANce Program selects one of KeelWit’s R&D projects
Mercedes-Benz Start-up adVANce is a co-development partnership program, supporting start-up projects as a fair partner to co-develop their prototype with shared IP rights. Its aim is: to develop and produce hardware and software prototypes that satisfy the future needs of customers in the field of “Last Mile Transportation of Goods and People”. to create new long-term partnerships with the most innovative startups that will last beyond the challenge. KeelWit has been selected amidst world-wide applicants and start-ups for its project named advance Parking, jointly developed with Zerintia Technologies. It offers the integration of fixed elements placed in downtown streets with mobile elements placed in cars and mobile phones to offer route-optimization in Last Mile Delivery of goods, searching to guarantee available loading parking slots on every stop. This optimization shall reduce delivery time and cost as well as traffic congestion and emissions linked to vans searching where to park to load/unload their...6 Nov 2015
Madrid Fly’s wind tunnel starts with its testing period
The Vertical Wind Tunnel designed and built by KeelWit Technology for its use as an Indoor Skydiving facility has started its fine tuning and testing period prior to its public opening before the end of this year. This facility belongs to Madrid Fly, company in which KeelWit holds a relevant stake. After several years of studies and 12 months of civil work, KeelWit has been able to turn on the sophisticated machinery behind this iconic engineering project developed by a group of Spanish investors only using Spanish Technology. The whole project has meant an investment of more than 6 million euros, where R&D has played a relevant role. With its over 1600 m3/sec of air moving at a speed of 300 km/h, World Championships of this vibrant sport shall be held in its location of Las Rozas de Madrid. Click here to watch the...16 Sep 2015
Isaac Prada’s video gets more than 700,000 visits in less than a month.
The video with the interview of Isaac Prada, co-founder of KeelWit, was created by Banco Santander (main sponsor of Formula 1 championship, and belongs to a series of videos intended to show how Formula 1 R&D is later applied to daily life devices and uses to improve our standard of living. Isaac explains how he developed in 2005 the Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) used in Formula 1 race cars, which is currently being used in Zaragoza’s tramway among other uses. The video received more than 700,000 visits in less than a month all together with the Spanish, English, German and Portuguese versions. Isaac Prada won in 2005 the ALTRAN Engineering Academy worldwide contest for this design and later worked during 2 years as R&D engineer in Renault Formula 1 Team. During this period Fernando Alonso won his two world titles. The video has also been broadcasted right before Italy’s Grand Prix this...1 Sep 2015