3 Oct 2016
by Keelwit Technology | 3 Oct 2016 | Events, Conferences & Awards
In this article, Isaac talks about the role that Automotive might play in the world’s efforts for a more sustainable future, what’s behind the current trend towards sustainability in this industry and how vehicles shall be used in the future. The article explains the increasing role of Automotive in the energy consumption mix in Europe and even more in the transport industry. It describes the new technologies, those ready to use or still being developed (electric & hybrid vehicles, regenerative breaking, hydraulic cars, etc.). It also unveils, as still less popular, new car uses in the future, focusing in autonomous cars studied from every aspect (technical, legal, etc.). You can read (in Spanish) the whole article in:...
20 Nov 2015
by Keelwit Technology | 20 Nov 2015 | Events, Conferences & Awards
José María Cancer was selected as a lecturer for the round table on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” and Isaac Prada for the round table on “Sustainability and Environmental Challenges” both taken place during the 7th ICAI Alumni Congress that took place in Madrid in November 2015. With over 500 participants, this congress was held as a relevant occasion to allow this important think-tank to discuss its core values and role in nowadays’ society as a source of “Value and skills open to society”. The whole content of the lectures shall be included in the Congress book that will resume all participations taken place during the three days of the congress. Mesa Redonda Innovación y Emprendimiento Mesa redonda Sostenibilidad Acto de clausura del congreso Ponencia Sostenibilidad Ponencias...
26 Mar 2015
by keelwit | 26 Mar 2015 | Events, Conferences & Awards
José María Cancer, in his role of Secretary of the Board of the Fundación de Ingenieros de ICAI para el Desarrollo, presented the prize category of “Best Engineering Project devoted to Social Development”, among the final thesis developed by ICAI engineering school’s last year pupils of the 2013-2014 academic year. This NGO has been working since 2007 in the application of engineering skills on projects focused in improving life conditions of the most disadvantaged sections of society both in the Third World countries and in Spain. This organization among other activities has been providing projects during several years to last year students of this leading engineering school. All of them are focused in the application of engineering knowledge and skills into the improvement of living conditions of disadvantaged populations. Its work is developed through cooperation with other NGOs like ONGAWA, Fundación ACCIONA Microenergía and Fundación Energía sin Fronteras, as well as the Cátedra BP de Energía y Sostenibilidad. This year’s prize has been awarded to the project titled “Monitoring system for the operation of household PV systems” developed by David Chanquet, acting as joint thesis directors Julio Eisman (Fundación Acciona Microenergía’s Director) and Fernando de Cuadra (ICAI’s professor). This Project has been selected for its usefulness, managing the solar panels installed within the “Luz en Casa” program, in Cajamarca (Peru), that are allowing 3900 families to have power in their households. The other prizes were presented by top managers of the rest of the sponsor companies: Alberto García Cabrero, (Abengoa); Pedro Luis Sánchez, (Accenture); Román Escudero Gallego, ( Asociación Nacional de Ingenieros del ICAI); Enrique González García, (BP España); Enrique Sainz Nadales, (Deloitte); Francisco Javier Goicoechea...