27 Mar 2017

KeelWit interviewed in Telemadrid TV station and Motor 16 weekly magazine

Telemadrid TV station broadcasted from Madrid Fly’s facilities an interview showing KeelWit’s laboratory for aerodynamic testing, where its engineers test the new concepts and features to be installed in the next generations of Vertical Wind Tunnels they are designing.                      In the TV journal Telenoticias that was emitted later that same day they also displayed a great interest in one of KeelWit’s IP protected designs: a standard trash trolley conversion allowing it to be electrically self-propelled, helping trash collectors do their job in an easy and effortless way when faced to ramps and transporting heavy loads. Motor 16 car magazine chose to talk about how both founders chose to quit their rich automotive career to build an engineering company where they have introduced many of the lessons learnt in those years, especially from Isaac’s experience in Formula 1....
3 Sep 2012

KeelWit Technology interviewed in TELEMADRID tv channel

KeelWit Technology was chosen by the TV chain in their daily news program, Telenoticias, to express their manager’s feelings concerning the new fiscal & legal amendments in order to boost startups and small companies, to be applied in the near future by the Government. See the interview after minute 23’ of: Telemadrid interview  ...
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