16 Sep 2015

Isaac Prada’s video gets more than 700,000 visits in less than a month.

The video with the interview of Isaac Prada, co-founder of KeelWit, was created by Banco Santander (main sponsor of Formula 1 championship, and belongs to a series of videos intended to show how Formula 1 R&D is later applied to daily life devices and uses to improve our standard of living. Isaac explains how he developed in 2005 the Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) used in Formula 1 race cars, which is currently being used in Zaragoza’s tramway among other uses. The video received more than 700,000 visits in less than a month all together with the Spanish, English, German and Portuguese versions. Isaac Prada won in 2005 the ALTRAN Engineering Academy worldwide contest for this design and later worked during 2 years as R&D engineer in Renault Formula 1 Team. During this period Fernando Alonso won his two world titles. The video has also been broadcasted right before Italy’s Grand Prix this...
27 May 2015

Isaac Prada co-writer of the book “Energía Eléctrica: Manual básico para juristas”

On the 27th of May Universidad Pontificia Comillas presented this book belonging to a list of books jointly developed by ICAI engineering school and Iberdrola. Isaac co-wrote with Mr. Ventosa, ICAI’s Principal, the first chapter of the book: “Energy: Where the power comes from”. According to Iberdrola’s president, Mr. Sánchez Galán, who signs the book’s introduction, this book “is a useful and complete guide book for all lawyers and other professionals who have to face the complex power industry without the necessary technical studies to help them understand...
27 Feb 2015

Isaac Prada with spanish minister, De Guindos, and the vice president of The European Commission (ec) and European commissioner for jobs, growth, investment and competitiveness Iyrki Katainen

Isaac Prada was selected to represent ICAI’s engineering school in the meeting both mandataries had with university students and teachers during the visits scheduled for Mr. Katainen in our country. The meeting was organized to enhance open conversations between both speakers and the students, coming from different universities in Madrid. Discussions were focused in our country’s needs of investment and structural changes to make the best possible use of the “Juncker Plan” for economic recovery in...
24 Feb 2015

Isaac Prada speaker in the “company connected cars” forum held within the “Expansión-Evectia meetings” series of conferences

Isaac Prada has been invited to represent Comillas University in the “Encuentros Expansión-Evectia” Forum held in Unión Editorial’s headquarters. Sergio Piccione, vice-president of El Mundo daily magazine acted as moderator of the discussion held by the five speakers who talked about the communication between vehicle – infrastructures – users – other vehicles showing different approaches to this booming sector. The common point of view of all participants was the great potential underlying the deployment of on-board telematics and communication capabilities, as nowadays only 25% of the companies are using this available technology in their company fleets. All participants shared the conviction of the great potential benefits it might involve for the companies applying it properly. To know more about the forum,...
28 Nov 2014

Fourth year of KeelWit’s participation in Inicia Programme organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation

The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in partnership with the Madrid Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Chamber of Commerce organized the Inicia Programme, with the aim of introducing young people to the world of business and entrepreneurs. Several thousands of students in Madrid have participated in previous editions, with some of them already considering starting a career as entrepreneurs and others changing their image of business people and their importance in our society. For the third consecutive year, Isaac Prada and José María Cancer were chosen to address a number of sessions with students from 16 to 18 years of age, during which entrepreneurship is shown as a potential alternative career once they finish their studies. Sessions follow a structured yet highly interactive methodology, at which attendants can ask questions and express their opinions, whilst understanding the reasons why both founders decided to start KeelWit Technology and the main challenges they...
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