4 Jun 2014

Isaac Prada and José María Cancer receive their titles as registered professional engineers during the welcome ceremony of the 2014 graduates of ICAI engineering school

The president of the ICAI Engineering Association gave Isaac Prada and José María Cancer their diplomas, acknowledging their titles of Registered Professional Engineers granted by the Spanish Association of Professional Engineers (AIPE). Professional organizations have developed model IPr® Certification in order to validate the skills of individuals in terms of their knowledge, experience and attitude regarding to the professional development of the engineer. The IPr® Standard complies with the ISO 17.024 personal qualification standard, enabling international recognition via an agreed evaluation system. KeelWit Technology offers now, through the title received by both partners, representing an impartial and objective recognition of the capacity and professional evolution of the team in the engineering world, an added value in international project tenders. This qualification is a qualifying issue when insurance companies need to calculate the risk premium linked to a certain project. After the act, they both addressed a few words to the over 200 attendants, stressing the added value of the IPr® certification within the engineering...
3 Apr 2014

Keelwit Technology lectures in CIEMAT’S conference room within the seminar organized by ANSYS IBERIA to show best cases in the use of their sw in the energy industry

ANSYS Iberia invited KeelWit Technology to lecture on the use of ANSYS Fluent for energy efficiency projects in industrial plants. Isaac Prada and Ignacio de Vicente presented the improvement of the performance of a combined cycle plant through the design of an optimized exhaust gas pipe for its turbine. KeelWit’s solution allowed to reduce pressure drop linked to the geometry of current’s exhaust duct by 86%, eliminate turbulence and associated internal erosion and maintenance costs as well as an improvement of the overall efficiency of the process through an easier and better thermal insulation of the new exhaust tube. Over 70 attendants from the nuclear, thermosolar and generation plant business attended the seminar, being able to listen to SENER, TERMOPOWER, CIEMAT and KeelWit Technology explaining their use of ANSYS as a basic tool in their projects. To learn more on the contents of the seminar, visit:...
4 Mar 2014

Isaac Prada and José María Cancer obtain the IPR® Certifification, becoming registered engineers

Isaac Prada has obtained the IPr® Professional Registered Senior Engineercertificate and José María Cancer the IPr® Professional Registered Expert Engineer certificate after a comprehensive study of their careers and professional skills by an evaluation committee from the Association of Professional Registered Engineers and a joint appraisal of the documents submitted by both candidates. The Professional Organizations have developed the IPr® Certification Standard to validate the skills, experience and development of professional engineers. The IPr Standard complies with the ISO 17.024 personal qualification standard, to enable international recognition via an agreed evaluation system. Qualifying for certification has achieved numerous advantages: For both Partners, it means local and international recognition of their qualifications and skills. For KeelWit Technology, the guarantee towards customers of its personnel’s professional skills and qualifications. For its clients, increased assurance in obtaining state of the art engineering services. For insurance companies, it means a limitation of the risks calculated in evaluating the complex projects the company leads. For more information, visit: http://ingenierosprofesionales.net/ http://www.coiim.es/revista/Articulos/57_Toma%20Nota.aspx...
19 Feb 2014

KeelWit attends the presentation of the book “a decade of energy technology analysis” from the “advances in engineering” collection

KeelWit Technology took part in the presentation of Volume 12 of the collection “Advances in Engineering” at the Pontificia Comillas University. As in other volumes, Volume 12 analyses the situation and prospects of new energy technology and was presented by the Rafael Mariño Chair of the University, with the support of the ICAI Association of Engineers and Iberdrola. During the event and subsequent networking session, Isaac Prada and José María Cancer had the opportunity to exchange ideas on future energy trends in Spain with executives from Iberdrola, CENER, IDAE and other companies and institutions attending the...
14 Oct 2013

KeelWit takes part in inicia programme organised by the Rafael del Pino Foundation

The Rafael del Pino Foundation, in partnership with the Madrid Confederation of Entrepreneurs and Chamber of Commerce organized the Inicia Programme, with the aim of introducing young people to the world of business and entrepreneurs. Several thousands of students in Madrid have participated in previous editions, with some of them already considering  starting a career as entrepreneurs and others changing their image of business people and their importance in our society.. For the third consecutive year, Isaac Prada and José María Cancer were chosen to address a number of sessions with students from 16 to 18 years of age, during which entrepreneurship is shown as a potential alternative career once they finish their studies. Sessions follow a structured yet highly interactive methodology, at which attendants can ask questions and express their opinions, whilst understanding the reasons why both founders decided to start KeelWit Technology and the main challenges they faced. For further information, see:...
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