4 Jun 2014

Isaac Prada and José María Cancer receive their titles as registered professional engineers during the welcome ceremony of the 2014 graduates of ICAI engineering school

The president of the ICAI Engineering Association gave Isaac Prada and José María Cancer their diplomas, acknowledging their titles of Registered Professional Engineers granted by the Spanish Association of Professional Engineers (AIPE). Professional organizations have developed model IPr® Certification in order to validate the skills of individuals in terms of their knowledge, experience and attitude regarding to the professional development of the engineer. The IPr® Standard complies with the ISO 17.024 personal qualification standard, enabling international recognition via an agreed evaluation system. KeelWit Technology offers now, through the title received by both partners, representing an impartial and objective recognition of the capacity and professional evolution of the team in the engineering world, an added value in international project tenders. This qualification is a qualifying issue when insurance companies need to calculate the risk premium linked to a certain project. After the act, they both addressed a few words to the over 200 attendants, stressing the added value of the IPr® certification within the engineering...
7 May 2014

José María Cancer gives a talk in the conference room of the Spanish Institute for Intellectual Property Protection (OEPM) about ip protection as a strategic driver in innovative technology based companies (EIBTS)

OEPM invited KeelWit Technology to take part in their conference program “Meetings with the other part”. These lectures search a better understanding for the patent examiners within the organization, of the real difficulties that EIBTs face in their daily work. KeelWit Technology invested 38,2% of its annual turnover last year in R&D obtaining 1 PCT, 3 Registers of Community Designs and has currently several patents on the way. These figures made KeelWit eligible for its participation in the program, as a leading company among small SMEs making notorious efforts to launch innovative ideas and technologies in different sectors. The conference was followed by a long Q&A session from the audience, where over 40 examiners wanted to know more about KeelWit’s strategy, and how it selected a certain number of ideas, to promote them and take them to a business case stage, and the difficulties found to do so. A special focus was made on the scarce support found to do so, despite the existing institutional tools and organizations supposedly devoted to help SMEs, including the OEPM. For further information, see:...
26 Apr 2014

Isaac Prada and José María Cancer lecture in the electric & hybrid vehicle course organized by ASEPA and INSIA

ASEPA (Asociación Española de Profesionales de Automoción) has prepared a training course dealing with the special characteristics of this type of vehicles, under the supervision of INSIA (University Institute of Automobile Research). Participants are automotive industry professionals linked to electro-mobility as well as several amateurs of electric cars. José María Cancer (co-founder of ASEPA) and Isaac Prada explained the main characteristics of Light Electric Vehicles, its market trends and types of users as well as how KeelWit designs and engineers this kind of Pedelecs. A special chapter was devoted to specific legislation and dynamic and EMC tests needed for the homologation of the units. The session was enriched with the possibility for participants to handle components and materials used in the development of Last Mile Delivery tricycles engineered by KeelWit. The good results of this course both in terms of attendance and students satisfaction will surely encourage ASEPA to repeat it in the future, being aware of people interested in the contents that could not attend the course in this...
4 Mar 2014

Isaac Prada and José María Cancer obtain the IPR® Certifification, becoming registered engineers

Isaac Prada has obtained the IPr® Professional Registered Senior Engineercertificate and José María Cancer the IPr® Professional Registered Expert Engineer certificate after a comprehensive study of their careers and professional skills by an evaluation committee from the Association of Professional Registered Engineers and a joint appraisal of the documents submitted by both candidates. The Professional Organizations have developed the IPr® Certification Standard to validate the skills, experience and development of professional engineers. The IPr Standard complies with the ISO 17.024 personal qualification standard, to enable international recognition via an agreed evaluation system. Qualifying for certification has achieved numerous advantages: For both Partners, it means local and international recognition of their qualifications and skills. For KeelWit Technology, the guarantee towards customers of its personnel’s professional skills and qualifications. For its clients, increased assurance in obtaining state of the art engineering services. For insurance companies, it means a limitation of the risks calculated in evaluating the complex projects the company leads. For more information, visit: http://ingenierosprofesionales.net/ http://www.coiim.es/revista/Articulos/57_Toma%20Nota.aspx...
19 Feb 2014

KeelWit attends the presentation of the book “a decade of energy technology analysis” from the “advances in engineering” collection

KeelWit Technology took part in the presentation of Volume 12 of the collection “Advances in Engineering” at the Pontificia Comillas University. As in other volumes, Volume 12 analyses the situation and prospects of new energy technology and was presented by the Rafael Mariño Chair of the University, with the support of the ICAI Association of Engineers and Iberdrola. During the event and subsequent networking session, Isaac Prada and José María Cancer had the opportunity to exchange ideas on future energy trends in Spain with executives from Iberdrola, CENER, IDAE and other companies and institutions attending the...
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